Footwear affects your health and well being more than you realize.
With every step you take, a tremendous amount of force is received by the foot from the ground. With just one step, your body is subjected to a force which is equal to about twice your body weight. Since the average, active person takes thousands of steps per day, the amount of force you must tolerate is significant.
The role of the foot is to absorb this force correctly. Foot function is greatly affected by the shoes you wear. If your shoes don’t allow your foot to function normally, the forces that enter your body from the ground may be harmful. These forces can put excessive stress on your joints and tissues, and rob you of energy.
On the other hand, proper footwear allows your foot to absorb force correctly. As a result, you function and feel better. Unnecessary wear and tear on your joints is avoided. This is critical for preserving function as you age.
An important part of FR (Function Restoration) is the use of proper footwear so that your body receives pressure from the ground correctly.
Continue to Learn more about Function Restoration and ATHLETICS